Thursday, October 18, 2007

Heading to Colorado

I guess when you're a Road Warrior you've got to head out on the road every now and then. So tomorrow it's off to Colorado for an overnighter. I'll be in Parker (just south of Denver) for about 24 hours and be home about dinner time on Saturday. I'm sure I won't be getting the same spectacular view I once had in Colorado (right), but you can be guaranteed you'll get a chance to see whatever my newest view is on my next post.

The "Vote for Brad" campaign has kicked off pretty well so far (at least as far as I can tell). I know that my wife and kids have voted for me. And I've had email responses from a lot of friends who have done the same. Here's the standard email response -- "I voted for you. I hope you win!" It's funny how many people have written almost exactly the same thing. But that certainly doesn't diminish my thankfulness for their support.

It's not exactly like I'm "running" for something important here. "If I am elected Road Warrior I'll put a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage!" I can't do that. But what politician can?!

Now you can forward to a friend. Go to the site and click on "Forward to a Friend" and it will walk you through some easy steps. And don't forget, while you're there... click on Vote for Brad!


Suzanne said...

That's a pretty nice site you got there ;D!

I voted for you - I hope you win!!

Brad Dupray said...

It's all about the designer - she's amazing!