Thursday, November 1, 2007


While some views I have taken from my hotel rooms that I wouldn't think would be replicated (I've seen two weddings and four roller coasters) this view is hard to match. The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky has two towers that face each other. I was staying in one, looking at the other.

My daughter, Suzanne, who was kind enough to build the website told me to go to Google and type in Road Warrior Brad -- it comes up as #1! I only hope I'm at the top of the list when the results are announced.

Speaking of results... I've had a lot of people ask when I will know the results and others have asked how the voting is going. Well, they don't let us know how the voting is going, so I have no idea where I stand now. I think the results will be announced around the first week of December. Stand by, I'll post the results here as soon as I hear them.

November has arrived, so there are only 14 more voting days! If you haven't voted yet, please do. If you have, tell a friend to visit and click through to vote!

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